BioMark Selected for one of the 25 spots at HUB in Boston
BioMark Selected for one of the 25 spots at upcoming 48 hours at the HUB in Boston 48 hours in the Hub takes place in Cambridge, MA from October 20-22, 2014. This program is funded under the Canadian Technology Accelerator program. In preparation of the 48 hours at the HUB, BioMark visited Consul and Trade […]
BioMark Raman SenSers Product Launch
BioMark Raman SenSers Product Launch at Strategies on Biophotonics Boston September 9-11 2014!divAbstract BioMark is proud to announce the launch of its first generation Raman SERS at the first Strategies in Biophotonics conference held in Boston. The technology platform was developed by Dr. Reuven and Dr. Hof from the University of Victoria, BioMark and […]
Trace cancer biomarker quantification using polystyrene-functionalized gold nanorods
For more information, visit Optics Infobase: Or download the following PDF: boe-5-12-4101
New Corporate Alliances & Conferences
BioMark is actively pursuing international business and research collaborations to increase its global footprint. North America N. America is a critical market for technology development and commercial acceleration. BioMark is in discussions with 4 potential companies located in Boston, Maryland, San Diego and San Francisco. Both the East and West coast corridors are important centres […]
BioMark News Summary 2007 – 2012
Clinical Trial and Gene Expression Ethics Approval BioMark has received conditional approval from the University of Manitoba and CancerCare Manitoba for 2 studies that will commence shortly. The studies involve phase III clinical trial and SSAT Gene Expression in patient derived tumour biopsy. BioMark will be working with Manitoba Tumour Bank in regards to the […]
BioMark is proud to announce
NRC – IRAP Funding for 2013 – BioMark will be funded generously by NRC with emphasis on developing prototypes for cancer screening kits using antibodies generated at UBC and IR Raman based technologies currently being developed at UVic.Both systems are targeted for use when the trials are completed at CancerCare Manitoba in 2013. Engage Grant […]
BioMark and Going Global (Spring 2013)
Going Global completed two visits to China and signed a collaboration agreement with Dr. Liu and his team. The collaboration includes use of BioMark’s detection system for China’s national cancer screening program and the downstream development initiatives. Dr. Liu’s team includes lab specialist, pharmacologists, medical institute development experts and screening specialists. BioMark and Manitoba Tumor […]
Key Milestones Achieved in 2013 2H (Second Half)
– BioMark successfully generated 3 monoclonal antibody against the molecule of interest. This is a major accomplishment for BioMark since success rates for generation of small molecule antibody is not a common. BioMark would like to acknowledge all the work performed by the group at UBC, Immuno Precise and its technical / scientific team. “We […]
Collaboration and MITACs Support
MITACS Accelerate Program – BioMark has applied for 3 major programs under Mitacs at UBC and UVic. Mitacs Accelerate is Canada’s premiere research internship program. It connects companies with over 50 research-based universities through graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, who apply their specialized expertise to business research challenges. Interns transfer their skills from theory to […]
New Discovery
BioMark has recently completed a very encouraging metabolome study that has implication for biomarker signature related to cancer diagnosis. The discovery is being patented.