Early Stage Cancer Detection

Early stage cancer detection research and technology based on the science of metabolomics.

early stage cancer detection - BioMark Diagnostics we believe cancer can be cured
early stage cancer detection - BioMark Diagnostics we believe cancer can be cured

The Science of Metabolomics

BioMark's Early Stage Cancer Detection Technology

We investigate the role metabolomics plays in early stage cancer detection.  The science of metabolomics is the foundation of BioMark’s research. Our goal is to improve patient comfort and outcomes.
BioMark researches and screens the acetylated form of Amantadine. Amantadine, a drug given to cancer patients before measurement. LC MS in body fluids makes this screening possible.
An enzyme called Spermine/Spermidine N-Acetyl Transferase (SSAT) triggers the aceytylation. Studies show that many cancers display elevated levels of SSAT. These cancers include lung, breast, prostate, melanoma and GI cancers.
The principles of metabolomics are well proven in ongoing clinical trials. These trials test both healthy subjects and cancer patients. The analysis of SSAT mRNA tissue samples allows oncologists to identify cancer types.
study of enzymes and metabolites for early stage cancer detection

Why Metabolomics

The "Why" of What We Do

The enzyme is not the biomarker. The biomarker is the product (metabolite) of the enzymatic reaction.
An over-expressed enzyme related to cancer produces many thousands of times more metabolites. This increases the signal-to- background-noise ratio.
The result? An amplified biomarker acting like a beacon for early detection. Unmatched by traditional biomarkers.
BioMark has identified one such amplified enzyme in most types of cancer cells. This gives us the ability to detect different types of tumors. The name of the enzyme is Spermidine/Spermine Acetyltransferase (SSAT). It converts an FDA-approved drug called amantadine into an acetylated form called N-acetylamantadine.
Cancer cells over produce N-acetylamantadine in high amounts. This makes early stage cancer detection inexpensive and easy. A simple cost-effective urine sample is more than enough to provide such detection.

The Limitations of Traditional Cancer Detection Assays

Non-imaging cancer detection assays work by detecting over expressed biomarkers in cancer cells. A majority of these biomarkers are actually mutated proteins. They mutate in cell signaling pathways, expressed on the surface of cancer cells.
While this approach is powerful, it precludes early stage cancer detection.
Biomark’s innovative technology is changing the face of cancer detection for the better. The assay will become the front line in early stage cancer detection.
A physician administers an Amantadine pill to a patient. The FDA approved pill acts as a smart-drug and is noninvasive. After 2-4 hours, the patient submits a urine sample. Above normal levels of N-Acetylamantadine are a sign of cancer. A more traditional examination of the patient can now specify the location of the cancer.

The Science of Metabolomics

Can Biomark's Technology Detect Specific Types of Cancers Using Metabolomics?

Our diagnostic pipeline uses metabolomic screening and bioinformatics. Combined, they allow us to identify enzymes that are specific to certain cancers.
Biomark, partnered with TMIC (Dr. Wishart), has developed high-performance lung cancer metabolic fingerprints. These fingerprints have shown consistent and solid robustness. These high-performance biomarkers have led the group to revalidating the assay. Developing a proprietary customized kit has been the natural result of the revalidation.


Our Current Studies, Research Projects, and Active Focus: Lung Cancer

To develop lung cancer detection and risk assessments, Biomark is:
  • Measuring patient response to treatment following lung cancer resection using our signature metabolites. Completed a high-level protocol with upcoming submission to an Ethics Board. The trail is to include 100 to 130 subjects. The principal investigator will be Dr. James Bond.


  • The measurement of early response to chemotherapy treatment for lung cancer patients at CancerCare Manitoba. Under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Maksymuik.


  • Proposed trial: identify high-risk patients associated with smoking. Trial with Dr. Samantha Kimball and an oncologist from Alberta.
  • Using our technology to increase the uptake of CT scans for individuals at high risk of lung cancer. Monitoring false negatives after CT scans and biopsy.
  • Increasing our lung cancer samples from 100 to 300 patients for assay optimization. This study is a collaboration with CancerCare Manitoba, Saint Boniface Research Centre, TMIC.
  • Building an artificial intelligence analytics component leveraging IBM’s Bluemix big data platform. This will make a large improvement in the predictability of the assay.

It is our belief that BioMark’s cancer detection technology is an industry disrupter. BioMark will be an integral frontline defense tool in early cancer detection. Metabolomics will be essential for measuring responses to treatment. And Biomark will be a powerful tool for early monitoring of cancer recurrence.

lung cancer - early stage cancer detection will lead to a cure

Mission and Market

BioMark's Mission and Market Application



To develop and commercialize innovative technologies

To increase prediction and accuracy in diagnosis of cancers

Response to treatment – Companion Diagnostics[CDX]

Monitoring for Cancer Survivors

Screening tool for lung cancer

Complement other high cost, non specific screening technologies

Cancer Care Solutions

BioMark's Solution to Cancer Care and Early Stage Cancer Detection

cancer care and metabolomics for early stage cancer detection - biomark diagnostics
early stage cancer detection - cancer is curable

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early stage cancer detection - BioMark Diagnostics we believe cancer can be cured
early stage cancer detection - BioMark Diagnostics we believe cancer can be cured

© 2024 BioMark Diagnostics Inc. All Rights Reserved. BioMark’s mission is to provide universal access to a new paradigm in cancer diagnostics using metabolomics.